Commotio Cordis

What is commotio cordis?

Commotio cordis is an extremely rare, serious medical condition that can happen after a sudden, blunt impact to the chest. 如果物理打击发生在心脏节律的一个狭窄窗口, it can disrupt the heartbeat and cause sudden cardiac arrest.

心绞痛(发音为ke-MO-she-o-KORD-is)与潜在的心脏问题或心脏病无关. It is often fatal, 但包括心肺复苏术和使用自动体外除颤器(AED)在内的救生措施可以提高存活率.

There are fewer than 10 new cases reported each year, 但在许多人怀疑达马尔·哈姆林(Damar Hamlin)一月份心脏骤停的原因后,心性紊乱症广为人知. 4月18日,哈姆林说他确实被诊断出患有心心病.

This condition is most common in young male athletes. It is frequently caused by baseballs, softballs, lacrosse balls, hockey pucks or physical contact from other athletes

What is commotio cordis?
How common is commotio cordis?

What causes commotio cordis?


Baseball has generated the most instances of commotio cordis. Harder, round objects such as baseballs, softballs, 长曲棍球和冰球更容易引发躁动. In a smaller number of cases, 心绞痛是其他类型的身体创伤的结果,如车祸或袭击.

What are the risk factors for commotio cordis?

There are no specific risk factors for commotio cordis. 许多报道的病例发生在11至20岁的年轻男性运动员身上, and very few have been reported for people over age 20. 专家认为,这在年轻人中更为常见,因为他们的胸壁更薄,更不发达. 还有人怀疑,年轻人的发病率更高,因为参加棒球等体育运动的成年人通常更少, lacrosse and hockey.

虽然罕见,但它是年轻运动员最常见的死亡原因之一. 但研究人员认为,这可能是一种被低估的医疗状况.

Who is at risk of commotio cordis?

What are the symptoms of commotio cordis?

The symptoms may include:

  • 突然晕倒,尽管在晕倒前几秒钟还能保持活动.
  • Lack of responsiveness.
  • No breath, pulse or heartbeat.

How should you respond to commotio cordis?

如果你认为有人可能因心心病引起心脏骤停, immediately start an emergency medical response. 这三个关键步骤可以拯救一条生命:

  • Call 911.
  • Begin CPR. If the person isn’t breathing or is only gasping, 开始心肺复苏术时,要快速用力按压胸部中央. Continue CPR until the person starts to breathe or move, or until someone with more advanced training takes over.
  • Use an AED. Use a defibrillator to shock the heart back into normal rhythm.

How do you treat commotio cordis?

治疗心绞痛最重要的方法是立即认识到问题并开始紧急医疗反应. 这包括拨打911,开始心肺复苏和使用AED使心脏恢复正常跳动. The current survival rate for commotio cordis is above 50%, 快速启动心肺复苏术和AED是急救急救最关键的方法. 为了获得最大的生存机会,必须在3-5分钟内使用AED.

How can you prevent commotio cordis?

It is difficult to eliminate all risk of commotio cordis, 特别是对于运动员或从事有机会进行身体接触的娱乐活动的人. 但你可以做一些重要的事情来预防躁郁症,并改善任何经历过躁郁症的人的前景.

  • 了解急症的关键症状,这样你就可以启动挽救他人生命的生存链:拨打911, administering CPR and using an AED.
  • Keep an AED on hand at athletic and recreational facilities. AED可以增加发生心梗时的存活几率.
  • 对教练和其他体育人员、教师、家长和学生进行心肺复苏培训.
  • 调整你的运动活动,学习安全的比赛技巧,以避免胸部受到重击. For example, if you’re playing baseball and up at bat, turn your body away from any pitches that could hit your chest. 如果你在打长曲棍球或曲棍球的防守,避免用你的胸部挡住球或冰球.
  • Use safety baseballs or t-balls, especially for younger children, which are softer and more flexible than standard baseballs.


心绞痛和心脏骤停都涉及心脏骤停. A big difference is what causes the cardiac arrest. 心绞痛是由于在心跳的狭窄窗口期,胸部受到钝器撞击造成的, when the heart is preparing to contract, which triggers cardiac arrest.

Sudden cardiac arrest happens when the heart stops beating normally. 它可能与心脏病或其他导致心脏电系统故障的因素有关.

How do you stay healthy after commotio cordis?

没有证据表明心绞痛的幸存者发生其他心脏线上娱乐电子游戏网站的风险更高. 一个人同时患有两种心绞痛是极不可能的. If you’ve experienced commotio cordis, 你应该向你的医生咨询如何安全恢复体力活动. 幸存者应进行全面的心脏检查以排除心脏病的可能性. 这可能包括心电图、超声心动图、心脏成像和压力测试.

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