在一场比赛中,他的胸部受到重击,心脏停止了跳动. 教科书式的回答救了他.


心脏骤停幸存者,曲棍球运动员彼得·莱克. (图片来源:Gwin Photography)
心脏骤停幸存者,曲棍球运动员彼得·莱克. (图片来源:Gwin Photography)

4月16日, 2021, Peter Laake was a starting freshman defender for his prep school's varsity lacrosse team. 他这一年过得很好, 现在他的球队要在陶森的主场迎战一个主要对手, 马里兰, 巴尔的摩郊区.

第一节比赛快结束时,球打在彼得的胸口上. Sitting in the stands, his mother heard the ball's impact, then watched her son take a few steps. “我看到他的腿在空中扑腾,”卡龙·莱克说.

彼得转过身去看球往哪里去了. “然后我就头晕了."


Jeremy Parr, the school's head athletic trainer, was among the first to reach Peter. He thought Peter had suffered an abdominal injury or had the wind knocked out of him. Then he saw that Peter's breathing was labored – gasping and gurgling – and he was unresponsive. 当帕尔和队医找不到脉搏时, 他们把彼得翻身,取下他的防护装备. The team doctor began 心肺复苏 while Parr sent another trainer to the sidelines to retrieve the AED, 或者自动体外除颤器.

Dr. 罗伯特·杜达斯在看台上观看他的儿子,他是对手学校的一名球员. 杜达斯是约翰霍普金斯儿童医院的学术儿科主任. 被撞的那一刻,他正在看手机. 他及时抬起头来,看到彼得摇摇晃晃的脚步和他的崩溃.

Peter's falling face-first without putting his hands out to block the impact told Dudas this was no ordinary lacrosse injury.

杜达斯跳过一堵墙来到了场地. 他加入了帕尔和队医的行列, 站在彼得的身体前,寻找他手腕上的脉搏. 他指出,队医的胸部按压是教科书式的:2英寸深, 每分钟重复100到120次, 没有中断. 但彼得胸口的伤口告诉杜达斯,线上电子游戏飞禽走兽不多了.


Commotio cordis在拉丁语中是“心的躁动”的意思." The phenomenon occurs when a projectile strikes the chest and disrupts an otherwise healthy heart's electrical system at a specific moment between heartbeats. 这可能就是达玛尔·哈姆林的遭遇, the Buffalo Bills player who had a cardiac arrest after making a tackle during a recent NFL game.

在一场比赛中,一个长曲棍球猛击了彼得·莱克的胸部, 导致一种叫做心绞痛的心脏骤停. (图片来源:Gwin Photography)
在一场比赛中,一个长曲棍球猛击了彼得·莱克的胸部, causing a cardiac arrest. (图片来源:Gwin Photography)

Cases are exceedingly rare, with fewer than 30 reported in the United States each year. 它发生的条件是严格的. "Commotio cordis requires being hit in a very specific spot in a very specific point in the cardiac cycle,杜达斯说. It also requires a projectile to be traveling at a specific range of velocity – generally 40 miles per hour.

近几十年来,报道的骚乱线上娱乐电子游戏网站一直在上升, 主要是在青少年运动中. The rising frequency of reported cases is believed to owe to expanded understanding and recognition of the condition.

青少年运动员最容易受到影响, 科学家推测, 因为年轻人的胸壁更柔韧. 95%的报告病例发生在男孩身上, a reflection of their representation in sports that see the most cases of commotio cordis, 包括棒球, 曲棍球和长曲棍球.

Survival rates historically have been dismal but have climbed in recent years with greater recognition and early treatment, 特别是随着便携式除颤器的广泛使用.

研究表明 40% of commotio cordis patients who have resuscitation methods started within three minutes survive versus only 5% of those who receive such methods after three minutes.

在那个四月的日子里,彼得周围的人群越来越多. 卡伦现在站在她儿子的前面. 彼得的父亲在他的脚下. 两名重症监护室护士离开看台,前去提供帮助. 当地一名擅长紧急救援的消防队长就在现场.

卡伦对儿子说. 她试图安抚和安慰他. 那天是她父亲去世一周年纪念日. 她来参加比赛,以为这能帮助她度过这一天. 她盯着儿子一动不动的头. 她用意志使他醒来. 然后她听到:“我们要失去他了."


The 心肺复苏 was still going when the other trainer returned from the sidelines with the AED. Parr放置了AED的电极垫, then yelled the all-clear after the machine measured Peter's heart rhythm and determined a shock was needed.

这一震惊没有引起彼得的立即反应. 杜达斯感到胃里一沉. “我不认为有任何复活的机会."

队医继续进行心肺复苏术. 帕尔准备再进行一次电击. 然后杜达斯感到了脉搏. “抓住! 我想我有点头晕!他喊道.



Peter remembers the moment as a foggy remnant in a broken timeline – hearing voices but not understanding them, 挣扎着睁开眼睛. “我试着坐起来,周围有一群人."

当救护车到达时,看台上的人们慢慢站起来鼓掌. 不止几个人哭了.

彼得·莱克(中) with some of his lacrosse teammates – who were on the field when Peter collapsed – 在巴尔的摩的爱心舞会上. 左起:杰克·舍恩维特、比利·杜恩、彼得、AJ·拉金和帕特·布奇. (美国心脏协会)
彼得·莱克(中) 在巴尔的摩的爱心舞会上 和他的一些长曲棍球队友一起,他们在他倒下的时候在球场上. 左起:杰克·舍恩维特、比利·杜恩、彼得、AJ·拉金和帕特·布奇. (美国心脏协会)

彼得在当地一家医院过夜. A battery of tests over the course of two weeks revealed no underlying condition. Peter's sole injuries were a bruise from the impact and soreness from needle pokes. 三周后他又回到了曲棍球场上.

“一开始,我很害怕他要回去,”卡伦说. 看到彼得在球场上,她仍然很挣扎. She reminds herself that Peter loves the game (he recently verbally committed to play for the University of 马里兰) and that the near-disaster was a freak accident.

Her family is now trained in 心肺复苏 and always verifies that an AED is readily accessible wherever Peter is playing.

彼得戴着护胸装备,目的是减少心绞痛的风险. There is no definitive evidence yet that protective gear is effective, Dudas said. 然而,它正变得越来越普遍. U.S. Lacrosse now requires that boys' and girls' goalies wear chest protectors that meet a new performance standard. All field players in boys' lacrosse also must wear protection for commotio cordis that meets the standard.

Peter's life was saved by the good fortune of having it happen in front of an all-star cast – athletic trainers, 急诊医生和重症监护室护士接受过应急培训. 大多数情况下都缺乏这种医疗专业知识. 帕尔说:“拥有所有这些资源的可能性非常小。. “所以至少要确保你有一台AED."

雷克一家仍然致力于讲述彼得的故事. “对我来说,”彼得说,“就是不希望这种事发生在别人身上."

莱克一家在巴尔的摩心脏舞会上. (美国心脏协会)
莱克一家在巴尔的摩心脏舞会上. (美国心脏协会)

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