Communicating with Health Care 专业人士


After a cardiac event or surgery, it is important to follow-up with your medical team.

You can help improve the care you receive at follow-up appointments by talking with your health care team about your concerns, 问问题,了解事实. Discuss all aspects of your treatment regimen — including diet changes, exercise and medications — with your health care team. 通常, office visits and phone calls are shorter and more rushed than you (or your professionals) want. Simple communication skills can help you get what you need – over the phone, 在医院或办公室就诊时. 


Doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other health care professionals can help you avoid problems associated with taking too little or too much of your medication. They can also help you avoid dangerous interactions or side effects between other medications or foods in your diet. 

Your health care professionals will keep working with you to adjust your treatment plan if you have serious side effects. Below you'll find questions to ask your health care team to help you take an active part in your heart and stroke care. Print out these questions and take them to your next medical appointment.


Taking medications isn't as simple as swallowing a pill. 药物治疗s can help only if you take them as prescribed. Take part in decisions regarding your treatment, follow the treatment plan you and your health care team agree on, watch for problems and become actively involved in solving them with your team. 通过遵循这些指导方针, you can help reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke and achieve the fullest benefits from your treatment plan. Review the following questions with your health care team and take an active role in your health.

  • 药物的名称是什么?
  • 这是品牌名还是通用名?
  • 这种药的作用是什么?
  • 我怎样服用,什么时候服用,服用多长线上电子游戏飞禽走兽?
  • What foods, drinks, other medications or activities should I avoid while taking this medications?
  • Is there any written information available about the medication?
  • What happens if I miss a dose of my medication?
  • How often will I have to get the medication refilled?
  • How will I know that my medication is working?
  • What are the risks of taking this medication?
  • What are the risks of NOT taking this medication?
  • Are there less expensive medications for my condition?


Learn to read food labels so you can tell how much fat, sodium and other ingredients are in your diet. If your health care team tells you to "watch your diet" or make dietary changes, ask for specifics. 你可以问的问题有:

  • 我应该吃什么样的食物呢?
  • 我应该避免哪些食物?
  • Should I restrict my calories or fat intake to a certain level?
  • What are some cooking tips that I should follow?
  • 关于外出就餐我需要知道些什么?
  • 我在快餐店可以吃什么?
  • Do I need to see a nutritionist or dietitian? 如果有的话,你能推荐一个吗?
  • 我应该把我吃的东西记日记吗?
  • Are there any groups in the community that can help me with my nutrition goals?
  • 如何阅读食品标签?
  • 我怎样才能控制份量?
  • 我可以吃多少钠(盐)?


  • Why are weight control and regular physical activity important?
  • 我应该减多少,减得多快? 对我来说,现实的体重目标是什么?
  • 我应该多久检查一次体重?
  • What should my daily calorie, fat and cholesterol intake be?
  • Are prescription diet pills appropriate for me?
  • 我必须通过运动来减肥吗? If so, what kinds of activities do you recommend?
  • 一旦我减肥了,我该如何保持呢?
  • 我应该遵循什么样的饮食指南呢?
  • 什么类型的活动对我来说是最好的?
  • 我需要做多少体力活动?
  • 体重增加多少才算太多?
  • 家人和朋友如何提供帮助?


  • 我的胆固醇指数意味着什么?
  • 我应该多久检查一次血药浓度?
  • 体育活动如何影响我的水平?
  • 我应该吃什么类型的饮食?
  • 我需要降胆固醇药物吗?
  • How long will it take to reach my cholesterol goals?


  • 我的血压应该是多少?
  • How often should my blood pressure be checked?
  • 家用血压计怎么样?
  • Should I use blood pressure machines at stores?
  • How does physical activity affect my blood pressure?
  • 我每天的钠(盐)摄入量限制是多少?
  • Will I need to take blood pressure medication?
  • 我需要一直服药吗?
  • 为什么我需要减肥?


  • 为什么有规律的体育活动很重要?
  • 我可以锻炼吗??
  • 我可以做运动吗??
  • 什么类型的活动对我来说是最好的?
  • 我需要多少运动?
  • 我可以做爱吗??


  • 我该怎么做才能停止这种渴望呢?
  • 这种渴望会持续多久?
  • 尼古丁贴片或口香糖怎么样?
  • 我可以服用戒烟药物吗?
  • 这种冲动什么时候会停止?
  • 如果我开始长胖了怎么办?
  • 我怎样才能不长胖呢?
  • 家人和朋友如何提供帮助?
  • 要是我滑倒了,又回到烟草业去怎么办?
  • 需要多长线上电子游戏飞禽走兽才能降低我的风险?


  • 我患心脏病的危险因素是什么?
  • 我有中风的风险吗?
  • What are the warning signs of heart disease and stroke?
  • Do I need to lose or gain weight for my health?
  • 对我来说什么是健康的饮食计划?
  • What kind of physical activity is right for me?
  • What is my blood pressure, and is it at a healthy level?
  • What is my blood cholesterol, and is it at a healthy level?
  • What can I do to lower my risk of heart disease and stroke? 
  • If you're a woman, ask: What should I know about the effects of menopause on my health?
