


If you recently experienced a cardiac event or surgery but have not participated in a cardiac rehab program, 为什么不?

心脏康复已显示出益处, 然而,只有不到20%的符合条件的患者参与. You need support to rehabilitate, recover and realize a new life after a cardiac event or diagnosis.

凯瑟琳•摩尔, 心脏病幸存者, discusses how she benefited from participating in cardiac rehab:

Survivor 凯瑟琳•摩尔 explains the benefits of cardiac rehab


Here are some common concerns — and some common-sense reasons — to pursue cardiac rehab.

Q: 我是否需要医生的推荐才能开始心脏康复治疗?

A: 是的,这也是病人不去的主要原因之一. 太经常了, 医生不建议心脏康复, and it’s hard to participate in something you don’t know about. Studies show that women are even less likely than men to be referred to cardiac rehab, even though those who complete it receive greater health benefits. 简而言之? 让你的医生推荐你去心脏康复中心.

Q: 我的医生总是很忙. How can I get a referral with so little time to communicate?

A: Doctors, nurses and other health care professionals are frequently pressed for time. Often, they can’t spend as much time as you (or they) would like to discuss things. 你可以通过耐心、坚持和有条理来帮助他们. Write down any questions you might have in advance of every appointment. (请参阅我们的心脏康复相关问题列表.)

If you are having trouble communicating with your doctor because of a language barrier, 带上一个会翻译的家人或朋友. You can also ask your doctor’s office if it can provide an interpreter — but be sure to ask well in advance of your appointments.

无论哪种方式, politely let your health care professional know that you have trouble understanding him or her. 让你的医生尽可能慢而清晰地说话. 如果您有听力障碍,请请求协助.

Q: 在我这个年纪,我看不出心脏康复有什么用. 对我来说是不是太晚了?

A: Cardiac rehab isn’t just about having a healthier future and the possibility of living longer. 这也关系到现在更好的生活质量. Whether you’re 38 or 88, you are alive this moment — and it’s a precious gift. 和你的医疗团队谈谈 to find out how a cardiac rehab program can be tailored to your age and your physical capacity. 珍惜今天.

Q: 我就是感觉不好. How am I supposed to benefit from cardiac rehab if I’m too sick to go?

A: Feeling lousy can make us want to crawl in bed and stay there. 有时候,这正是我们的身体需要的,因为它在愈合. But that dynamic can also become a trap that leads to other health problems.

和你的医疗团队谈谈. Tell them exactly how you’re feeling: where you have pain or discomfort and what symptoms you’re experiencing. If they determine that you can safely participate in cardiac rehab, ask them to be specific about any limitations you face and how much you should push yourself.

Then? 去不去由你决定. 心脏康复可以帮助你变得更好, 很可能, 当你坚持一段线上电子游戏飞禽走兽后,你会感觉更好.

Q: My family and friends aren’t really into this kind of thing. 我有什么选择?

A: It’s hard to make healthy choices for yourself when the people around you don’t support your efforts. Eating habits, attitudes toward health and long-held traditions get reinforced across generations. Trying to introduce change can be seen as somehow going against the values of your family or community.

Try gently educating your loved ones about why you need to eat differently or become more physically active. The people who really care about you don’t want you to run the risks associated with heart problems. Explain that going to cardiac rehab and making healthy choices have everything to do with avoiding another heart event. 这不是不尊重他们.

Q: I have too many responsibilities at work and home to bother with cardiac rehab. How can I resolve work schedule conflicts and balance everything?

A: It can be difficult to put your health first when you have other responsibilities. But remember, without a healthy heart you can’t do anything else.

Communicate with your family and your employer so that everyone understands. Your heart problem wasn’t just a few days off work — it was a wake-up call. If you want to get back to your regular responsibilities, make cardiac rehab your top priority. 

Q: What if there are no cardiac rehab programs within a reasonable distance from me? 交通是个问题.

A: 首先,确保你知道所有的选择. 当你从你的医生那里得到心脏康复推荐时, 说明你住的地方离最近的节目很远, 交通不便. 询问医疗运输服务, 有时被称为辅助交通或无障碍交通, 以及在家进行心脏康复治疗. 

Q: 没有人能帮我渡过难关. 我在哪里可以找到社会支持?

A: Emotional support makes a huge difference in how you recover from a heart-related event. 好消息是每个人都可以访问 美国心脏协会支持网络. 它是免费的,而且很容易注册. Find support in this community of fellow patients and caregivers as you make the journey toward better heart health.