
You may find living with an ICD scary, especially if you made the decision quickly due to sudden 心脏骤停 (SCA). 你需要知道你并不孤单或没有支持.

Fortunately, research has shown that ICDs can extend life and improve quality of life. You may live more confidently with an ICD by understanding more about the conditions that led to implantation, 设备本身,以及对它的期待.





Medications are part of your treatment plan that includes your ICD, 所以要严格按照医嘱服药.


  • 确保您了解您的设备和所有说明.
  • Your ICD should be checked regularly to find out how the wires are working, 电池怎么样了, and how your condition and any external devices have affected the ICD’s performance.
  • Your health care professional may check your ICD several times a year by office visit, 通过电话或网络连接.
  • ICD电池可以使用5到7年.
  • Your doctor uses a special analyzer to detect the first warning that the batteries are running down, 在您自己检测到任何更改之前.
  • Eventually your ICD or battery may need to be replaced in a surgical procedure. The replacement procedure is less involved than the original implantation procedure.  你的医疗团队可以向你解释.
  • 请随意洗澡和淋浴. 您的ICD是完全防止接触水.
  • Stay away from magnets and strong electrical fields and inform airport or other screeners that you have an ICD.
  • 告诉你的其他医生, 护士, 医疗技术人员, 医院的工作人员和牙医都知道你有ICD.


  • Follow the restrictions on activity and any other recommendations from your health care professional.
  • 大约八周的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽让ICD固定到位. 在此期间, 避免突然, jerky or violent actions that will cause your arm to pull away from your body.
  • Avoid causing pressure over the area of your chest where your ICD was put in.
  • 3周后, women may find it more comfortable to wear a small pad over the incision as protection from their bra strap.
  • 汽车、火车或飞机旅行不会造成危险.
  • 当你有一个ICD时,你不能商业驾驶.
  • While you can probably drive about a week after your implantation surgery, your health care professional will be the one to give you a green light. If you received an ICD due to certain conditions – such as having had sudden 心脏骤停 or fainting – your doctor may ask you to wait until several months after you last fainted before driving again. 即使在植入ICD后也有可能晕倒.
  • 每天锻炼身体. Do whatever you enjoy – take a short walk or just move your arms and legs to help your circulation.
  • Ask your health care professional about how and when to increase activity. You should wait at least 1 month before lifting heavy items or doing any high-impact activity. Ask your physician about engaging in sports since some can damage or dislodge your ICD or wires.
  • You may be able to perform all of your normal activities within a few days of surgery other than the heavy lifting and high-impact activities as mentioned previously. Once your physician allows it, you can probably even return to strenuous activities. 一定要问你的医生.
  • 不要过度——在你累之前放弃. The proper amount of activity should make you feel better, not worse.



  • 下载打印表格 植入式心律转复除颤器(ICD) Wallet ID card (PDF).
  • Always keep it with you in case of accident so emergency personnel can treat you appropriately.
  • Security devices in public places may detect the metal in your ICD, although they won't damage it. 出示信用卡可以省去一些不便.
  • Consider also getting a medical ID bracelet or necklace for additional security and convenience.

Symptoms of anxiety, depression and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

ICD植入后,您可能会感到焦虑或抑郁. This is not uncommon for ICD recipients, especially in the first months or year after implantation. If you experience these feelings, consult with your health care team and get help. There's no reason to feel embarrassed by or alone with your feelings. By asking questions and expressing your concerns about the ICD and your reactions to it, 你可能会预防或减轻潜在的焦虑或抑郁.

Exposure to a traumatic life-or-death experience is a key to diagnosing PTSD. 你可能不认为自己患有创伤后应激障碍, 但是心脏骤停, multiple shocks or other near-death situations can certainly bring about PTSD symptoms. Do not hesitate to discuss your feelings regarding the trauma with your health care team. Your mental and emotional well-being is important to your physical well-being.

下载并打印我们的“用心回答”表格:什么是ICD? (PDF)