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美国的肥胖率.S. continue to rise, thwarting progress in reducing the rate of heart disease and stroke. But scientific advances in how to treat obesity often don't make it into clinical practice, 根据一份新的报告.

The 科学声明 来自美国心脏协会, 周一发表在《线上娱乐电子游戏网站》杂志上, highlights gaps between the growing understanding of the causes and treatments for obesity and how it is being managed by health care professionals. 它还概述了正确解决减肥问题的障碍, such as a lack of insurance and lack of knowledge about evidence-based lifestyle interventions.

“在美国,肥胖无疑是一个重要的公共健康问题.S. and around the world, affecting nearly all populations and straining our health care systems," Dr. 声明撰写委员会主席迪皮卡·拉杜在一份声明中说 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽发布会上. Laddu is a senior research scientist at Arbor Research Collaborative for Health in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

But, 尽管科学在理解肥胖方面取得了重大进展, "there remains a considerable gap between what we know and what happens in the doctor's office," she said.

美国的肥胖率一直在上升.S. 在世界范围内持续了近30年. 超过40%的美国人.S. 成年人患有肥胖症, 是心脏病和中风的主要危险因素, 根据疾病控制和预防中心.

Recent advances in research have led to a deeper understanding of the complex causes of obesity, including the role of sociological and physiological determinants of health. Treatment advances have also created more strategies for lifestyle modifications, 药物治疗和减肥手术, 但每个选择都有挑战.

例如, 新批准的药物, such as glucagon-like peptide-1 agonists that include high-dose semaglutide and tirzepatide, 与减肥有关吗. 但是一半的美国人.S. adults meet the criteria for a prescription, they are not being widely prescribed.

直到最近, the primary barriers to increased use of these obesity medications included a lack of insurance coverage and high out-of-pocket costs. 今年3月,医疗保险和医疗补助计划被允许覆盖西马鲁肽 美国食品和药物管理局批准了这种药物 降低心血管死亡的风险, heart attack and stroke in adults with cardiovascular disease and either obesity or overweight. State Medicaid programs are required to cover nearly all FDA-approved obesity medications, 但该计划可能需要其他治疗或药物的逐步治疗.

Advances in weight loss surgery over the past several decades have made it a more viable option for some, with improvements to safety and studies showing evidence of numerous health benefits, such as lowering the risk for cardiovascular disease and other obesity-related conditions. However, 成本方面的挑战, resources and social support mean not everyone who could benefit from this surgery can access it.

"Health care professionals and health care systems need to find better ways to put what we know about obesity into action so more people can get the right support and treatment,拉杜说. “采用新技术和远程医疗, making referrals to community-based weight management programs to encourage behavioral change, providing social support and increasing reach and access to treatments are just some of the promising methods we could implement to unlock successful evidence-based obesity care."

The report highlights the need to consider how social determinants of health, 比如保险范围, 家庭收入, 种族和民族, health literacy and access to resources affect a person's likelihood of receiving proper treatment. It also calls for educating health care professionals about the complex origins and clinical consequences of obesity.

The new statement "emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive approach across different levels of health care delivery and public policy, 随着采用可行, 临床环境中的循证策略,拉杜说. "It also underscores the need for future research and policy changes to improve current patient care models and ensure equitable access to obesity-related care for people in underrepresented groups."


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